FAITH + FITNESS® is a brand centered around spreading the word of the Gospel through a strong mind, body, and spirit.

Our mission and vision is that associating with our brand, consuming our content, and wearing our clothing helps in your own personal faith and fitness journey to reach your God-given potential.

We also hope it allows you to spark conversations and affect others in a positive way as you "wear your faith."

Faith and fitness are foundational pillars in many lives and we want to positively impact both areas. 

Part of our mission includes pledging 10% of all proceeds to help fund scholarships for Christian student-athletes looking to compete at the college level.

Our time on this earth is fleeting so let's strive for progress, not perfection... walk by faith, not by sight... and glorify God in all that we do.

We are excited to build a community that will change lives and be an overwhelming force for good in this world.

We hope you will join us on that journey!



Our brand features bold yet minimalist designs with clean lines and aesthetics. The black and white color scheme symbolizes strength and purity, darkness and light.

Our signature logo, seen on many of our products, features two mirroring letter F's representing "FAITH" and "FITNESS" with a cross positioned directly at center. The circle outlining the logo represents wholeness, eternity, and God's all-encompassing love while the position of the cross reminds us to always keep God at the center of our lives.

The alternate logo features the words "FAITH" and "FITNESS" interlocking perfectly inside of a cross. Aesthetics and symmetry are on full display again with this bold and sleek design.

Our slogan, wear your faith®, invites you to be bold in your faith and remain steadfast in your beliefs, no matter the circumstances. 

The FAITH + FITNESS® slogan and logos are sure to spark conversations inside and outside of the gym while allowing you the ability to share and wear your faith® proudly.